Well, I missed you guys... I hope you missed me too! haha.
The last couple of weeks have been crazy in terms of schooling and personal life. Ups and downs, I'm going on a roller-coaster. But that's the way life's always been and I know that all I can do is "keep swimming". So, to change environment a bit, I went back to my hometown where I will stay until my exams start, next week.
But here, let me sum up those past few weeks to you.
First of all, we had the reading week (end of February). One week to study before exams... Study? well yeah, a little.... but mostly we had tons of fun.

The pictures are as follow:
1- Dim Sum at Chinatown with MJ, Heeja, Michael, Nana, Fiona and Winnie. We had a blast and we ate tons of food...
2-Skating (yes, I'm sitting on a Nanako) at parc Lafontaine with Nana and Fiona. Later on, we watched a movie called Step up 2 the streets and we ate some quesadillaaaaas at Cine!
3- Skiing at Bromont ski resort (the same friend I was sitting on, except she's standing on a snowboard this time)
4- Watching the sun rise at Mont-Royal with Monica and Nanako. The night before, we went to the Jazz House and then stayed at Monica's residence. The thing is, Mt-Royal was so close and we didn't realize, so we went all the way around and couldn't see the sunrise from the top! lol but we still saw it as we were walking up.
5- Breakfast with my Yuko and my Heeja... Yuko was going back to Japan the same week-end and so it was my last time to see her until June.
Then, March was busy with work to catch up on... but we also had time to include some entertainment... lol
1- We went to see Yuriko's figure skating show at the McGill arena... They did really well! and there were two guest skaters from the Junior National team of Japan... they were sooo good!
2- Neo-Asia party. I saw Youngeun, Mina and I met this really cool unni (Jihye).
3- I went to a Sugar Shack with Monica, Nanako and a community of Japanese. The weather was awesome so we walked (and ran) in the wood and ate tons of maple syrup on snow!!! lol
And finally, let me tell you about the recent weeks.


1- Last friday, I went to this fancy Spanish (Basque) restaurant with Nanako, Monica and Amparo (a girl from Cordoba whom I met in October and who's awesome in all the meanings possible). It was called Pintxo, which means tapas in Euskera, a fascinating language.... We talked about many things and enjoyed a rather pricy but delicious dinner.
2,3- For lunch on Monday, I went to Le Place Milton, a small restaurant on Milton street, close to campus. I went there with Nanako, Kyan, Heeja and Michael. Later on Monica Lafon and Monica Ostergren both joined us so we took a couple of pics. Actually I had a breakfast... but anyways, it was nice!
4- On Monday night, we organized a small goodbye dinner for Miki and Yuu. In the end Miki couldn't make it... :( but anyways, it was fun. We had Tibetan food! (My thing was a bit bland... but it was interesting to try!) Later, we went to get chocolate at Juliette et Chocolat, a place specialized in Chocolate. The picture is me, Yuu and Kim... Maybe this was the last time we were all three together?
I hate having to say good bye... But I guess that means I had an awesome time with everyone right?