Hide and Seek
Seems like phones have been playing hide and seek lately. I keep losing mine and finding it in the weirdest places.... (hence the fridge....) And other friends of mine have been losing their phones too... Kinda funny eh? Thanks to that, I forgot a bunch of things I was supposed to do (it's all recorded on my phone... I didn't do what I had to do, which means I will pay the price later... but at the same time, I find it nice to stop worrying about things... hehe ;)
Today I found out one of my friends (yu-chan) has a blog. If you know her or if you just feel like checking her blog out, just click on her link on the left of the page.... It looks just as cute as she is! ^^; sasuga Yu-chan.
Summer is gone and fall is definitely there. The leaves are falling quickly and my Mom said it would start snowing next week... Can you believe it? Well, my Mom could be exaggerating too... It's my Mom, after all! ^^ Oh I kinda miss her. And my Dad too... They recently just came back form a trip to Japan... lucky them! I'll post some of the pics they've taken when I go home.
Ta ta!
Juliette et Chocolat
Tonight I had dinner with a Japanese friend of mine, Nana-chan. First, she introduced me to a friend of hers (Miki) and we went together to the Museum of Contemporary Art of Montreal... It was really interesting! The exhibit that I found to be the most interesting was by Vik Muniz, an artist who draws/paints with very particular tools, such as chocolate, ketchup, peanut butter, jam, etc. What's really amazing, is the precision of his drawings.... He even reproduced the famous Raft of the Medusa (Gericault) all in Chocolate syrup.... I couldn't find this specific picture on the internet, but here is an example of his art:
Pretty cool, eh? ^^
After the visit of the museum, Miki had to go home. Nana-chan and I walked down Ste-Catherine st. (main street) to find a place to have dinner. We walked (under the rain) to St-Denis st, one of the most animated streets of Montreal and found a nice French restaurant, called La Brioche Lyonnaise, whose specialties are sandwiches, crêpes and paninis. We both had crêpes and had a long talk. Afterwards, we found this amazing and delicious Chocolate place called Juliette et Chocolat. After seeing the Muniz exhibit, how could we not feel like eating Chocolate?? lol

Juliette and Chocolat specialize in all kind of products made of chocolate; fondue, hot chocolate, cakes, crêpes, etc. etc. Simply amazing... The atmosphere was a bit noisy but really nice. I guess it's a popular place, because there was a line of people waiting outside even under the rain (which kept pouring harder and harder.... )

Ahh, I had a good time. It's so relaxing, after cramming the whole week for my exams... ^^; We gotta do this more often...
Can u believe it? Keumerz likes kittens!
Hmm... If you've known me in the recent years, you'll have noticed my unexplainable hatred for animals... especially pigeons and squirrels... well.. any type of birds and rodents................. I like dogs though.. sometimes... And recently, I found myself liking cats!!!
It all started with Akira-kun's cat, called Gemini. At first, I thought it was the ugliest rat-looking cat I had ever seen... But then as we started playing with it, I started to think it was soooo cute!! And I went over at Kyan's once in a while just to play with it... I thought "It's only his cat".
But then, Heeja and her roommate Iris got 2 kittens... At first, I thought they were just antisocial furballs... but then... they started playing and running around... and falling asleep in bra baskets... lol I started liking them too... What's wrong with me? Am I becoming soft?
Here's a pic that Heeja posted on her blog (look at link on the left).

Sorry for stealing! lol Well, I still gave Heeja credits....
SSMU Early Booking................
This morning, Bebe-ya and I went to the SSMU (Student Society of McGill Univ.) to book a room for our amazing Korean Culture Night, which will be held in March. Since room booking every year proves to be difficult and we knew we'd have to fight our way in, we decided to go there very early, at 7 A.M (the office only opens at 9:30). When we got there, there was only one person before us and she had arrived there at 6 A.M... Insane... anyways. The point is... We waited there till about 8:00, until some Evil-mean-b*tchy lady came out to tell us there was no point in waiting.... Here is the dialog we had:
Evil lady: "Why are you there? Which events are you planning to book a room for?"
We: "Korean Culture Night".
Evil lady: "Oh today's only for SSMU's special events."
We: "But Korean Culture Night is a special event!"
Evil lady: "Sure, but KCN is under club activities. Why, don't wait here for nothing and come back on wednesday for the club activities room booking day!"
And the whole time she had this evil look and mean voice... GRR! >.<>
Here, an ugly picture of the ugly Shatner Building where we had to wait for nothing... :